Well, school is back in and so are the extra curricular items. Kenzie and Kaylin are in Girl Scouts this year again and Mackenzie decided to do Maramba again. We had a discussion as usual about why she couldn't do it all. She wanted that plus chorus. I reminded her of the two extra curricular limit (I only let them to two because since there are three of them I am helping with 6 extra activities total) She still didn't get it I don't think, but she decided on Maramba again. Kaylin is doing Choir and loving it. She has a beautiful voice. Mike is doing Cub scouts again and enjoying it. I am the Committe Chair person for Cub Scouts. I find that I like it better and they do to when I am involved in the things they do. Mike decided a week ago he wants to play football but I think it is too late this year. We will have to see about next year or maybe he will want to do soccer again. They do that sport pretty much year round here. The Girls/Boy and the Scouts take up a lot of our time because their troops are so involved. Here are pictures of the girls at the beach where they volunteered to clean up the beach. It was very windy and cold. Mike even went because he had service hours to do for the community. It was fun and they had coco afterwards. I think they are looking forward to the corn maze the most. Luckily they do it the day before Mackenzie leaves.